It is the policy of Sanctuary Landscapes Ltd, through the implementation of this safety statement, to ensure that this workplace is as safe and healthy as is reasonable practicable.
It is policy to comply with all statutory requirements and common law duties, relating to all our work activities. It is therefore essential for complete compliance by Sanctuary Landscapes Ltd with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (general Applications) Regulations 1993 & 2001 and amended Regulations 2007.
It is the company policy to protect, so far as reasonable practicable, persons not employed by this company, who may be affected by our activities. In implementing these policies, the company, will so far as is reasonably practicable:
All hazards in the workplace are identified and an assessment of the associative risks has been carried out. Arrangements and control measures are applied to these hazards, and Sanctuary Landscapes Ltd will ensure that the specific control measures have been implemented into their organisation.
This safety statement is available to all employees, contractors and suppliers who may have to work on our premises. The provisions of this safety statement are applicable equally to the directors, management and employees of Sanctuary Landscapes Ltd.
Mark O’Loughlin